09:00-09:30 |
등록 |
09:25-09:30 |
개회사: 박해정 이사장 (연세대) |
09:30–10:35 |
임상1 (B112호) |
인지 (B115호) |
좌장 |
정민영 (뇌연구원) |
좌장 |
전현애 (서울대) |
Electroencephalography signatures of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Recent updates and clinical utilities |
유재현 (서울성모병원) |
Switching and Coordination of Survival Actions in the Human Hypothalamus |
김재중 (U of Minnesota) |
인지 발달과 인지 저하의 융합적 접근: 유전과 환경 |
이현주 (한양대병원) |
Sub-Second Fluctuations in Anterior-Posterior Directionality of Brain Waves Distinguish Diverse Brain States |
문준영 (성균관대IBS) |
How do children with autism represent external world? |
홍석준 (성균관대 BME) |
Policy shaping based on the learned preferences of others accounts for risky decision-making under social observation |
정동일 (UNIST) |
10:35-10:55 |
Coffee |
10:55-11:40 |
Keynote Talk : 김붕년(서울의대), 좌장: 김재진 회장 (연세의대) |
11:40-12:40 |
점심(도시락 한정 수량 제공) 및 Poster presentation |
12:40–1:40 |
연구자구연1 (B112호) |
연구자구연2 (B115호) |
좌장 |
전지원(가톨릭의대) 심원목(성균관대) |
좌장 |
유광선(성균관대) 이상아(서울대) |
12:40-12:55 |
Masked Graph Clustering Autoencoder (MGCA): A Self-Supervised GNN Framework for ROI and Network-wise Connectivity Analysis to investigate interoceptive awareness in rs-fMRI dataset |
강재언(고려대) |
Representation Similarity between Deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) Agent and the Human Brain in Real-world Scenarios |
이주현(고려대) |
12:55-1:10 |
Would you still give your child a smartphone? Abnormal Behavior and Brain Network Development in Children at Risk of Smartphone Overdependence |
노지형(한국뇌연구원) |
Resting-state electroencephalography analysis using multiscale and cross-sample entropy in major depressive disorder to bipolar disorder transition |
황현호(한양대) |
1:10-1:25 |
Graph-Based Integration of Structural and Functional Brain Connectivity Using Multi-Modal Imaging Datasets |
배은구(이화여대) |
My mom is depressed, I feel horrible: Effects of maternal depression and parenting stress on mother brain, child brain, and brain similarity.
정용전(KBRI) |
1:25-1:40 |
The Impact of Self-Esteem and Status Disclosure on Conspicuous Consumption: An fMRI Study |
김사임(고려대) |
Awe is characterized as an ambivalent experience in the human behavior and cortex: integrated VR-EEG study |
이진우(서울대) |
1:40-1:50 |
Coffee |
1:50-2:15 |
뇌첨단의공학단 설명회: 김성현 단장님/ 좌장: 이수현 대외협력이사 |
2:15-3:20 |
임상2 (B112호) |
공학 (B115호) |
좌장 |
정범석 (KAIST) |
좌장 |
홍석준 (성균관대) |
Unraveling OCD: Exploring Neurobiology Through Thought-Action Fusion |
이상원 (경북의대) |
Deep Learning Research using Large scale Neuroimaging in Dementia and Normal aging |
이제연 (한양대) |
Brain Connectivity Changes in Patients with Delirium |
오주영 (연세의대) |
Foundation Models for Human Neuroscience |
차지욱 (서울대) |
Corticolimbic and connectome-wide representations of anxious traits |
김민우 (성균관대) |
Nano-magnetogenetics for wireless, precision neuromodulation in freely behaving animals |
곽민석 (연세대) |
3:20-4:20 |
Poster Presentation & Coffee break |
특별강연 (좌장: 이향운 국제이사 (이화의대)) |
4:20-4:55 |
Special session 1 : Principles of intensive human neuroimaging I Kendrick Kay (U of Minnesota) |
4:55-5:30 |
Special session 2: Multi-Voxel Pattern Reinforcement I Hakwan Lau (성균관대IBS) |
5:30-6:10 |
시상 및 수상자 강연 / 사회: 안우영 총무이사 (서울대)
폐회사: 김재진 회장 (연세의대)