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2023년도 수상자
신유민 (서울대학교)
Using spectral and temporal filters with EEG signal to predict the temporal lobe epilepsy outcome after antiseizure medication via machine learning, Scientific Reports(2023)
정원식 (고려대학교)
EAG-RS: A Novel Explainability-guided ROI-Selection Framework for ASD Diagnosis via Inter-regional Relation Learning, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (2023)
정동일 (울산과학기술원)
Policy shaping based on the learned preferences of others accounts for risky decision-making under social observation, eLife(in press)
김민철 (강북삼성병원)
Progressive reduction in basal ganglia explains and predicts cerebral structural alteration in type 2 diabetes, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism(2023)
석흥일 (고려대학교)
Learn-Explain-Reinforce: Counterfactual Reasoning and Its Guidance to Reinforce an Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis Model, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence(2023)
2023년도 수상자
김홍준 (건국대학교병원)
Identification of cerebral cortices processing acceleration, velocity, and position during directional reaching movement with deep neural network and explainable AI, NeuroImage 2023; 266: 119783
강성훈 (고대구로병원)
Different effects of cardiometabolic syndrome on brain age in relation to gender and ethnicity, Alzheimer's Research and Therapy 2023; 15: 68
우수 수련 연구자상
박인경 (서울대학교 뇌인지과학과)
Cortical gyrification differences between early- and late-onset obsessive–compulsive disorder: neurobiological evidence for neurodevelopmentally distinct subtypes, Psychological Medicine 2023; 53(13): 5976-598
문원진 (건국대학교 의과대학)
Choroid Plexus Volume and Permeability at Brain MRI within the Alzheimer Disease Clinical Spectrum, Radiology 2022; 304: 635-645
2022년도 수상자
성준경 (고려대학교 바이오의공학부)
Regional Aβ -tau interactions promote onset and acceleration of Alzheimer's disease tau spreading, Neuron 110(12): 1932-1943
우수 수련연구자상
박현규 (서울대학교 뇌인지과학과)
Aberrant cortico-striatal white matter connectivity and associated subregional microstructure of the striatum in obsessive-compulsive disorder, Molecular Psychiatry 27: 3460-3467
2021년도 수상자
우충완 (성균관대 글로벌바이오메디컬공학과)
Regional Aβ -tau interactions promote onset and acceleration of Alzheimer's disease tau spreading, Neuron 110(12): 1932-1943
김민아 (서울대학교병원)
Neurophysiological Correlate of Emotion Regulation by Cognitive Reappraisal and Its Association With Psychotic Symptoms in Early Psychosis
박보용 (인하대학교)
Differences in subcortico-cortical interactions identified from connectome and microcircuit models in autism
우수 수련연구자상
고원준 (고려대학교)
Multi-Scale Neural Network for EEG Representation Learning in BCI
우수 수련연구자상
이재중 (성균관대학교)
A neuroimaging biomarker for sustained experimental and clinical pain
2020년도 수상자
임창환 (한양대 생체공학과)
윤제연 (서울대학교병원)
Brain structural covariance networks in obsessive-compulsive disorder: a graph analysis from the ENIGMA Consortium, Brain (2020)
우수 수련연구자상
Lada Kohoutova (라다 코호토바, 성균관대학교 글로벌바이오메디컬공학과)
Toward a unified framework for interpreting machine-learning models in neuroimaging, Nature Protocols (2020)
우수 수련연구자상
김민철 (KAIST 의과학대학원)
Aberrant structural network of comorbid attention deficit / Hyperactivity disorder is associated with addiction severity in internet gaming disorder, Neuroimage: Clinical (2020)
2019년도 수상자
서상원 (삼성서울병원)
석흥일 (고려대학교 뇌공학과)
우수 수련연구자상
김재중 (KAIST), 김항래 (KAIST)
정우림 (서울대학교), 박영훈 (한양대학교), 고원준 (고려대학교)
2018년도 수상자
조강익 (서울대학교, 의과대학 의학연구원)
최홍윤 (서울대학교병원, 핵의학과)
Sangjun Lee (한양대), Dong hyuk Lee (한국과학기술원)
Kyung-Min An (Osaka University), Kyoungseob Byeon(성균관대)
Eun Hee Bae (충남대), Yewon Kang (한국과학기술원), Yoondo Sung (한국과학기술원), Ji-Eun Kim (KRISS), Juhyeon Lee (고려대), Seong, Si-Baek (연세대), VU THI HANH (고려대), Yun Seokho (한국과학기술원), Gilsoon Park (한양대), Choe Mi Kyung (서울대)
2017년도 수상자
박창현 (이화여자대학교, 의과대학 신경과)
2016년도 수상자
정용 (KAIST, 바이오뇌공학과)
Sparse SPM: Group Sparse-dictionary learning in SPM framework for resting-state functional connectivity MRI analysis. Neuroimage 2016;125:1031-1045
허지원 (중앙대학교, 심리학과)
Biological Motion Perception, Brain Responses, and Schizotypal Personality Disorder. JAMA Psychiatry 2016;73(3):260-267
2015년도 수상자
이향운 (이화여자대학교)
Altered functional connectivity in seizure onset zones revealed by fMRI intrinsic connectivity. Neurology 2014;83:2269–2277
이종환 (고려대학교)
Deep neural network-based automated classification of schizophrenia via whole-brain resting-state functional connectivity and hierarchical feature extraction. Neuroimage 2016;124:127-146
Chan-Mi Kim (울산대), Sunghyon Kyeong(연세대), Ja Hee Kim(한림대병원)
Seokyun Ryun(서울대), Sanghyun Lim(UST), Gusang Kwon(성균관대)
포스터 임상
William S. Sohn (서울대), Yunseo Ku (서울대), Jae-Chang Kim (서울대), Sungjae Yun (서울대), Changwon Jang (연세대), Chae Jung Park(삼성생명과학연구소)
포스터 인지
Jong Doo Choi (연세대), Jong Hyun Park (연세대), Yoonjin Nah (연세대), Soyeon Jun (서울대)
포스터 방법론
Young Woo Park (KAIST), Dong Sung Choi (삼성서울병원), Byeong Keun Kang (서울대), Manyoel Lim (서울대), Kyung-Min An (UST)
2014년도 수상자
지멘스 뇌기능매핑 학술상
김기웅 (한국표준과학연구원 생체신호센터, UST 의학물리학과)
Toward a brain functional connectivity mapping modality by simultaneous imaging of coherent brainwaves. NeuroImage 2014;91:63-69 (Cover article of the issue)
뇌기능매핑 젊은연구자상
강지인 (연세대학교)
Reduced Binding Potential of GABA-A/Benzodiazepine Receptors in Individuals at Ultra-high Risk for Psychosis:An [18F]-Fluroflumazenil Positron Emission Tomography Study. Schizophrenia Bulletin 2014;40(3):548-557
2013년도 수상자
지멘스 뇌기능매핑 학술상
이상훈 (서울대학교, 뇌인지과학과)
Coaxial Anisotropy of Cortical Point Spread in Human Visual Areas. J Neuroscience 2013;33:1143-1156
뇌기능매핑 젊은 연구자상
최정석 (서울특별시 보라매병원, 정신건강의학과)
Phase-specific brain change of spatial working memory processing in genetic and ultra-high risk groups of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin 38:1189-1199
2012년도 수상자
지멘스 뇌기능매핑 학술상
김재진 (연세대학교, 정신과학교실)
Neural network functional connectivity during and after an episode of delirium. Am J. Psychiatry (IF: 12.539) 2012;165(5):498-507
뇌기능매핑 젊은 연구자상
신경순 (서울대학교, 임상인지신경과학센터)
Aberrant Auditory Processing in Schizophrenia and in Subjects at Ultra-High-Risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Bulletin (IF: 8.800) 2012;38:1258-1267
2011년도 수상자
지멘스 뇌기능매핑 젊은 연구자상
정위훈 (서울대학교, 신경정신과)
Cortical thinning in at individuals at ultra-high-risk of developing psychosis. Schizophrenia Bulletin (IF: 8.273) 2011;37(4),839-849
2010년도 수상자
뇌기능매핑 젊은 연구자상
임기호 (한양대학교, 의용생체공학과)
Spatial Distribution of Deep Sulcal Landmarks and Hemispherical Asymmetry on the Cortical Surface. Cerebral Cortex (IF: 6.979) 2010;20:602-611
2009년도 수상자
뇌기능매핑 젊은 연구자상
정영철 (연세대학교, 정신과)
Mammillothalamic functional connectivity and memory function in Wernicke’s encephalopathy. Brain (IF: 9.603) 2009;132:369-376
2008년도 수상자
지멘스 뇌기능매핑 학술상
박해정 (연세대학교, 영상의학과)
SENSE factors for reliable cortical thickness measurement. NeuroImage (IF:5.457) 2008; 40:187-196
뇌기능매핑 젊은 연구자상
조항준 (한양대학교, 의용생체공학과)
Artificial shifting of fMRI activation localized by volume- and surface-based analyses. NeuroImage (IF:5.457) 2008;40:1077-1089
2007년도 수상자
지멘스 뇌기능매핑학술상
김연희 (성균관의대, 재활의학과)
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation-Induced Corticomotor Excitability and Associated Motor Skill Acquisition in Chronic Stroke.Stroke (IF:5.855) 2006; 37:1471-1476
뇌기능매핑 젊은 연구자상
김준식 (서울의대, 신경외과)
Robust source analysis of oscillatory motor cortex activity with inherently variable phase delay. NeuroImage (IF:5.288) 2007;37:518-529
뇌기능매핑 젊은 연구자상
장준환 (서울의대, 신경외과)
A Proton MRSI Study of Brain N-Acetylaspartate Level After 12 Weeks of Citalopram Treatment in Drug-Naive Patients With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry (IF:8.286) 2006;163:1202-1207
2006년도 수상자
지멘스 뇌기능매핑학술상
주은연 (이화여자대학교, 의과대학 신경과)
Postoperative alteration of cerebral glucose metabolism in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Brain (IF:7.535) 2005; 128:1802-810
ELEKTA 뇌기능매핑 젊은 연구자상
윤의철 (한양대학교, 의용생체공학과)
Quantitative analysis of group-specific brain tissue probability map for schizophrenic patients. Neuroimage (IF:5.288) 2005;26:502-512
2005년도 수상자
지멘스 뇌기능매핑학술상
홍승봉 (성균관의대, 삼성서울병원 신경과)
Glucose hypometabolism of hypothalamus and thalamus in narcolepsy. Ann Neurol (IF:8.097) 2004; 56:437-440
ELEKTA 뇌기능매핑 젊은 연구자상
이종민 (한양대학교, 의공학과)
Deformable model with surface registration for hippocampal shape deformity analysis in schizophrenia. Neuroimage (IF:4.869) 2004;22:831-840
2004년도 수상자
대한뇌기능매핑학회 젊은 연구자상
이재성 (서울의대, 핵의학과)
PET evidence of neuroplasticity in adult auditory cortex of postlingual deafness, J Nucl Med 2003;44:1435-1439
권준수 (서울의대 정신과학교실)
Functional disconnection during working memory processing in schizophrenia: a [15O]H2O PET study. Am J Psychiatry 2003;160: 919-923