- 2024
- 2023
- 2022
- 2021
- 2020
- 2019
- 2018
- 2017
- 2016
- 2015
- 2014
- 2013
- 2012
- 2011
- 2010
- 2009
- 2008
- 2007
- 2006
- 2005
- 2004
2023년도 수상자
- 신유민 (서울대학교)
- Using spectral and temporal filters with EEG signal to predict the temporal lobe epilepsy outcome after antiseizure medication via machine learning, Scientific Reports(2023)
- 정원식 (고려대학교)
- EAG-RS: A Novel Explainability-guided ROI-Selection Framework for ASD Diagnosis via Inter-regional Relation Learning, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (2023)
- 정동일 (울산과학기술원)
- Policy shaping based on the learned preferences of others accounts for risky decision-making under social observation, eLife(in press)
- 김민철 (강북삼성병원)
- Progressive reduction in basal ganglia explains and predicts cerebral structural alteration in type 2 diabetes, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism(2023)
- 석흥일 (고려대학교)
- Learn-Explain-Reinforce: Counterfactual Reasoning and Its Guidance to Reinforce an Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis Model, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence(2023)
2023년도 수상자
- 김홍준 (건국대학교병원)
- Identification of cerebral cortices processing acceleration, velocity, and position during directional reaching movement with deep neural network and explainable AI, NeuroImage 2023; 266: 119783
- 강성훈 (고대구로병원)
- Different effects of cardiometabolic syndrome on brain age in relation to gender and ethnicity, Alzheimer's Research and Therapy 2023; 15: 68
우수 수련 연구자상
- 박인경 (서울대학교 뇌인지과학과)
- Cortical gyrification differences between early- and late-onset obsessive–compulsive disorder: neurobiological evidence for neurodevelopmentally distinct subtypes, Psychological Medicine 2023; 53(13): 5976-598
- 문원진 (건국대학교 의과대학)
- Choroid Plexus Volume and Permeability at Brain MRI within the Alzheimer Disease Clinical Spectrum, Radiology 2022; 304: 635-645
2022년도 수상자
- 성준경 (고려대학교 바이오의공학부)
- Regional Aβ -tau interactions promote onset and acceleration of Alzheimer's disease tau spreading, Neuron 110(12): 1932-1943
우수 수련연구자상
- 박현규 (서울대학교 뇌인지과학과)
- Aberrant cortico-striatal white matter connectivity and associated subregional microstructure of the striatum in obsessive-compulsive disorder, Molecular Psychiatry 27: 3460-3467
2021년도 수상자
- 우충완 (성균관대 글로벌바이오메디컬공학과)
- Regional Aβ -tau interactions promote onset and acceleration of Alzheimer's disease tau spreading, Neuron 110(12): 1932-1943
- 김민아 (서울대학교병원)
- Neurophysiological Correlate of Emotion Regulation by Cognitive Reappraisal and Its Association With Psychotic Symptoms in Early Psychosis
- 박보용 (인하대학교)
- Differences in subcortico-cortical interactions identified from connectome and microcircuit models in autism
우수 수련연구자상
- 고원준 (고려대학교)
- Multi-Scale Neural Network for EEG Representation Learning in BCI
우수 수련연구자상
- 이재중 (성균관대학교)
- A neuroimaging biomarker for sustained experimental and clinical pain
2020년도 수상자
- 윤제연 (서울대학교병원)
- Brain structural covariance networks in obsessive-compulsive disorder: a graph analysis from the ENIGMA Consortium, Brain (2020)
우수 수련연구자상
- Lada Kohoutova (라다 코호토바, 성균관대학교 글로벌바이오메디컬공학과)
- Toward a unified framework for interpreting machine-learning models in neuroimaging, Nature Protocols (2020)
우수 수련연구자상
- 김민철 (KAIST 의과학대학원)
- Aberrant structural network of comorbid attention deficit / Hyperactivity disorder is associated with addiction severity in internet gaming disorder, Neuroimage: Clinical (2020)
2019년도 수상자
우수 수련연구자상
- 김재중 (KAIST), 김항래 (KAIST)
- 정우림 (서울대학교), 박영훈 (한양대학교), 고원준 (고려대학교)
2018년도 수상자
- 조강익 (서울대학교, 의과대학 의학연구원)
- 최홍윤 (서울대학교병원, 핵의학과)
- Sangjun Lee (한양대), Dong hyuk Lee (한국과학기술원)
- Kyung-Min An (Osaka University), Kyoungseob Byeon(성균관대)
- Eun Hee Bae (충남대), Yewon Kang (한국과학기술원), Yoondo Sung (한국과학기술원), Ji-Eun Kim (KRISS), Juhyeon Lee (고려대), Seong, Si-Baek (연세대), VU THI HANH (고려대), Yun Seokho (한국과학기술원), Gilsoon Park (한양대), Choe Mi Kyung (서울대)
2017년도 수상자
- 박창현 (이화여자대학교, 의과대학 신경과)
2016년도 수상자
- 정용 (KAIST, 바이오뇌공학과)
- Sparse SPM: Group Sparse-dictionary learning in SPM framework for resting-state functional connectivity MRI analysis. Neuroimage 2016;125:1031-1045
- 허지원 (중앙대학교, 심리학과)
- Biological Motion Perception, Brain Responses, and Schizotypal Personality Disorder. JAMA Psychiatry 2016;73(3):260-267
2015년도 수상자
- 이향운 (이화여자대학교)
- Altered functional connectivity in seizure onset zones revealed by fMRI intrinsic connectivity. Neurology 2014;83:2269–2277
- 이종환 (고려대학교)
- Deep neural network-based automated classification of schizophrenia via whole-brain resting-state functional connectivity and hierarchical feature extraction. Neuroimage 2016;124:127-146
- Chan-Mi Kim (울산대), Sunghyon Kyeong(연세대), Ja Hee Kim(한림대병원)
- Seokyun Ryun(서울대), Sanghyun Lim(UST), Gusang Kwon(성균관대)
포스터 임상
- William S. Sohn (서울대), Yunseo Ku (서울대), Jae-Chang Kim (서울대), Sungjae Yun (서울대), Changwon Jang (연세대), Chae Jung Park(삼성생명과학연구소)
포스터 인지
- Jong Doo Choi (연세대), Jong Hyun Park (연세대), Yoonjin Nah (연세대), Soyeon Jun (서울대)
포스터 방법론
- Young Woo Park (KAIST), Dong Sung Choi (삼성서울병원), Byeong Keun Kang (서울대), Manyoel Lim (서울대), Kyung-Min An (UST)
2014년도 수상자
지멘스 뇌기능매핑 학술상
- 김기웅 (한국표준과학연구원 생체신호센터, UST 의학물리학과)
- Toward a brain functional connectivity mapping modality by simultaneous imaging of coherent brainwaves. NeuroImage 2014;91:63-69 (Cover article of the issue)
뇌기능매핑 젊은연구자상
- 강지인 (연세대학교)
- Reduced Binding Potential of GABA-A/Benzodiazepine Receptors in Individuals at Ultra-high Risk for Psychosis:An [18F]-Fluroflumazenil Positron Emission Tomography Study. Schizophrenia Bulletin 2014;40(3):548-557
2013년도 수상자
지멘스 뇌기능매핑 학술상
- 이상훈 (서울대학교, 뇌인지과학과)
- Coaxial Anisotropy of Cortical Point Spread in Human Visual Areas. J Neuroscience 2013;33:1143-1156
뇌기능매핑 젊은 연구자상
- 최정석 (서울특별시 보라매병원, 정신건강의학과)
- Phase-specific brain change of spatial working memory processing in genetic and ultra-high risk groups of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin 38:1189-1199
2012년도 수상자
지멘스 뇌기능매핑 학술상
- 김재진 (연세대학교, 정신과학교실)
- Neural network functional connectivity during and after an episode of delirium. Am J. Psychiatry (IF: 12.539) 2012;165(5):498-507
뇌기능매핑 젊은 연구자상
- 신경순 (서울대학교, 임상인지신경과학센터)
- Aberrant Auditory Processing in Schizophrenia and in Subjects at Ultra-High-Risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Bulletin (IF: 8.800) 2012;38:1258-1267
2011년도 수상자
지멘스 뇌기능매핑 젊은 연구자상
- 정위훈 (서울대학교, 신경정신과)
- Cortical thinning in at individuals at ultra-high-risk of developing psychosis. Schizophrenia Bulletin (IF: 8.273) 2011;37(4),839-849
2010년도 수상자
뇌기능매핑 젊은 연구자상
- 임기호 (한양대학교, 의용생체공학과)
- Spatial Distribution of Deep Sulcal Landmarks and Hemispherical Asymmetry on the Cortical Surface. Cerebral Cortex (IF: 6.979) 2010;20:602-611
2009년도 수상자
뇌기능매핑 젊은 연구자상
- 정영철 (연세대학교, 정신과)
- Mammillothalamic functional connectivity and memory function in Wernicke’s encephalopathy. Brain (IF: 9.603) 2009;132:369-376
2008년도 수상자
지멘스 뇌기능매핑 학술상
- 박해정 (연세대학교, 영상의학과)
- SENSE factors for reliable cortical thickness measurement. NeuroImage (IF:5.457) 2008; 40:187-196
뇌기능매핑 젊은 연구자상
- 조항준 (한양대학교, 의용생체공학과)
- Artificial shifting of fMRI activation localized by volume- and surface-based analyses. NeuroImage (IF:5.457) 2008;40:1077-1089
2007년도 수상자
지멘스 뇌기능매핑학술상
- 김연희 (성균관의대, 재활의학과)
- Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation-Induced Corticomotor Excitability and Associated Motor Skill Acquisition in Chronic Stroke.Stroke (IF:5.855) 2006; 37:1471-1476
뇌기능매핑 젊은 연구자상
- 김준식 (서울의대, 신경외과)
- Robust source analysis of oscillatory motor cortex activity with inherently variable phase delay. NeuroImage (IF:5.288) 2007;37:518-529
뇌기능매핑 젊은 연구자상
- 장준환 (서울의대, 신경외과)
- A Proton MRSI Study of Brain N-Acetylaspartate Level After 12 Weeks of Citalopram Treatment in Drug-Naive Patients With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry (IF:8.286) 2006;163:1202-1207
2006년도 수상자
지멘스 뇌기능매핑학술상
- 주은연 (이화여자대학교, 의과대학 신경과)
- Postoperative alteration of cerebral glucose metabolism in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Brain (IF:7.535) 2005; 128:1802-810
ELEKTA 뇌기능매핑 젊은 연구자상
- 윤의철 (한양대학교, 의용생체공학과)
- Quantitative analysis of group-specific brain tissue probability map for schizophrenic patients. Neuroimage (IF:5.288) 2005;26:502-512
2005년도 수상자
지멘스 뇌기능매핑학술상
- 홍승봉 (성균관의대, 삼성서울병원 신경과)
- Glucose hypometabolism of hypothalamus and thalamus in narcolepsy. Ann Neurol (IF:8.097) 2004; 56:437-440
ELEKTA 뇌기능매핑 젊은 연구자상
- 이종민 (한양대학교, 의공학과)
- Deformable model with surface registration for hippocampal shape deformity analysis in schizophrenia. Neuroimage (IF:4.869) 2004;22:831-840
2004년도 수상자
대한뇌기능매핑학회 젊은 연구자상
- 이재성 (서울의대, 핵의학과)
- PET evidence of neuroplasticity in adult auditory cortex of postlingual deafness, J Nucl Med 2003;44:1435-1439
- 권준수 (서울의대 정신과학교실)
- Functional disconnection during working memory processing in schizophrenia: a [15O]H2O PET study. Am J Psychiatry 2003;160: 919-923